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B. Inggris Mudah : Future Tense

Digunakan untuk menyatakan pekerjaaan yang akan dilakukan.

Note :
Kata kerja jangan pakai be
Bukan kata kerja gunakan be
           Untuk umur dan hari selalu memakai will.         
           Keterangan waktu yang dipakai : Tomorrow, Next day, Next ….

A. Future Tense memakai Shall / Will
      Example :
I shall go to abroad next month.
She will give me a nice present.
Mother will make cakes next week.

B.  Future Tense memakai be going to.

      Be going to = akan.
      Be = Am / Is / Are

      Example :
            I am going to go to Bandung.
            Lusi is going to go to the zoo.
            Johny is going to play tennis.

Note : untuk umur dan hari harus memakai will dihentikan memakai bentuk be going to.
Untuk breakfast, lunch, dinner harus ditambah have, sedangkan untuk eat jangan ditambah have.

Exercise :  Composing questions based on given answers. The kernel answers are underline.

1.   The carpenter is going to make windows and doors.
2.   The greengrocer (tukang sayur) is going to sell the vegetables to his customer.
3.   The florist is going to sell some flowers tomorrow morning.
4.   They are going to eat in the restaurant today.
5.   The directur of the company is going to have lunch in the restaurant today.

Answer :
1a. Who is going to make windows and doors ?
  b. What is the carpenter going to make ?  <subyeknya carpenter, jadi pakai is>

2a. Who is going to sell vegetables to his customer ?
  b. What is the greengrocer going to sell to his customer ?
3a.       What is the florist going to sell tomorrow morning ?
  b. When is the florist going to sell some flowers ?

4a. Where are they going to eat today ?
  b. When are they going to eat in the restaurant ?

5a. Who is going to have lunch in the restaurant today ?
  b. Where is the directur going to have lunch today ?                      

Future Tense yang tidak memakai kata kerja harus memakai be.
Example :     They are going to be busy.

Exercise :
1.   Apakah ayah Ali akan berada di Bali ahad depan ?
            Is Ali’s father going to be in Bali next week ?

2.   Berapa usang pamanmu akan berada di Jakarta ?
            How long is your uncle going to be in Jakarta ?

3.   Apakah pelajar-pelajar itu akan berada di sekolah besok pagi ?
            Are the students going to be at the school tomorrow morning ?

4.   Jam berapa kau akan sibuk besok ?
            What time are you going to be busy tomorrow ?

5.   Apakah ayahmu akan murka kepada belum dewasa itu ?
            Is your father going to be angry to the children ?

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